Sunday 4 November 2007

Yoof of Today

So im on the ferry back to Manly on Sunday. Getting the ferry between 10am - 1pm is tourist torture! (maybe i can't talk as im technically on a tourist visa, but i live in Manly so that negates it) surrounded by babies...this maybe nice for the older generation who like to try and rip babies cheeks off and say awwww as they hover over prams like an older version of Angelica Houston in "The Witches" Jesus thats a scary film! No im not joking i DO NOT like that film.

Back to the point

So im taking Lia over to mine for a bit of R&R as she'd passed out at work the day before and had spent the arvo (that’s what they call the afternoon over here) in hospital...another long story.
We are sat by the door to the bit where you can go out on the side of the ship, you'd never guess i have 3 members of my family in the Navy with a description like that would ya. These "fluro kids" know the sort, florescent vest, probably wears skinny jeans & has sunglasses on that you used to get free from McDonalds...there talking about the little island forte (looks like a prison) as we passed it, we were lucky enough to overhear this gem of a conversation:

Fluro 1: Is that the prison where they used to hang people?
Fluro 2: -with real conviction- No that’s the one in America...Azkaban!
Fluro 1: Oh ok


Me: Excuse me...firstly i think you confusing Azkaban with Alcatraz & secondly your confusing Harry Potter with real life! now beat it you pesky scoundrels before you give me something else to get annoyed about.

Ok maybe i just said this to Lia and we both pee'd out pants, so much so the rest of the people on the ferry thought we were sinking in a yellow tidal wave (again im exacerbating) but seriously this did happen & it makes me want to squash these fools into mulch as a lesson to the rest of the Yoof of Today.

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