Friday 15 June 2007

Deserved Scapegoat

Yesterday i had a formal written warning.... i hold my hands up to making a couple of mistakes recently, as have other people at work.
Maybe i needed a rocket up my arse (not in the literal sense) but i did think a official verbal warning came first.
Everything we do is usually last minute and you have the client demanding it on 1 hand & you have the print dept calling you a w@nker if you bring a rush job its a bit of a lose/lose situation. Good job im thick skinned

If someone in the print dept makes a mistake, the stuff is in the skip quicker than you can say "get that stuff in the skip".....if somethings goes wrong because of me, it seems like, they want to draw attention to it, leave it out for someone to ask whats wrong with that? Oh Leeeee did it wrong.

I know some people at my work actually LIKE people making mistakes so they can draw attention to it! (its like the highlight of their day) One bloke in particular, loves to go straight to the bosses with any slight error.
I have never been like that, and if someones made a mistake i would always try and play it down and resolve the situation. Because of this formal warning, it makes me want to make a list of every error i hear of. I don't think that is conducive to a good working environment, but maybe that is the environment i am already in & should start changing my ways....

This warning was carried out to the letter of the law and will make me a better employee, but i do wonder why they carry out things like this very professionally....but in other aspects e.g. appraisals & pay reviews they have no procedure in place.
Suppose what im saying is they are quick to come down on people, but very very slow in showing appreciation.

I know you shouldn't compare yourself to others, but people have said they can't believe this happened yesterday when there are a few others that this should of happened to also. This just sounds like sour grapes now....but i do think the Boss doesn't like me because i don't, take a great interest in him or laugh at all of his really lame jokes as loudly as others.
So i'll just do the following things and everything should be tickety boo:

Keep my nose clean. -no drugs at work-
Cover my arse. -no bumming at work-

(very self indulgent & boring to read about inter-office politics i apologies if you've read through all that)

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